FSSC 22000

Food Safety System Certification

Standard brief

FSSC 22000 is a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) Certification Scheme. FSSC 22000 certification is granted when you have implemented FSSC 22000 in your company and a third-party auditor has audited your system to verify that you comply with the requirements of the FSSC 22000 standard. The FSSC 22000 System was designed to provide companies in the food industry with an ISO-based food safety management system certification that is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Recognition by GFSI provides worldwide recognition and acceptance by food manufacturers and retailers. FSSC 22000 defines requirements for integrated processes that work together to control and minimize food safety hazards. FSSC 22000 is a fast growing certification scheme and in April of 2017 issued their 15,000th certificate. Once a facility implements processes that address all the requirements of FSSC 22000, they can be certified to FSSC 22000. The certification program is managed by the Foundation for Food Safety Certification.

Quality Image


By helping you improve food safety processes, FSSC 22000 can help reduce hazard and incident risk.

  • With FSSC 22000 certification, you can increase your reputation, earn customers and reduce costs, increase your profits.
  • FSSC 22000 shows you how to improve your processes and helps you optimize your resources by reducing your costs.
  • Prioritizing access to international markets
  • Ensuring the collective responsibility of all employees and thus implementing an effective self-control system
  • Building trust in the supply chain
  • With FSSC 22000, you can prove that your products and services are high quality, healthy and reliable.
  • The FSSC 22000 certification indicates that you have taken steps to reduce food safety hazards and reduce your risk of accidents.
  • Ensuring the production of foodstuffs with prerequisite programs
  • Improve the quality of foodstuffs
  • To create a discipline in production activities
  • FSSC 22000 certification helps you to enter new markets and establish new partnerships.
  • By following FSSC 22000, you can ensure that your business is of high quality by supporting the food industry.
  • Based on FSSC 22000, ISO 22000 and HACCP, simplifies your food safety studies and improves your documents and procedures.


  • ISO 22000 and HACCP
  • Business Discovery
  • Pre-Requisite
  • Objectives
  • The Teams
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Internal Audit

International Compliance


General Data Protection Regulation for personal data. Learn More


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Learn More


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points for food safety. Learn More

FSSC 22000

Food Safety System Certification for food safety and quality. Learn More

Global G.A.P.

Good Agricultural Practices for quality agricultural produce. Learn More


Good Distribution Practice for pharma and food sectors. Learn More


Good Manufacturing Practice for manufacturing sectors. Learn More


Good Laboratory Practice for systematic laboratory operations. Learn More


Restriction of Hazardous Substances for products in EU. Learn More


Food safety practices and systems as per Shariah, Islamic Law. Learn More


Food safety practices as per standards of Kashrut, Jewish Law. Learn More


Central Consumer Protection Authority for the rights of consumers Learn More


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Learn More

Let's Work Together

European Assessment and Certification Ltd.
19, Layton Crescent, Slough, SL38DP, UK.
Company Number 12819256

+44 7471 048859

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