Global G.A.P.

Good Agricultural Practices

Standard brief

Global G.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe. The aim is to establish one standard for Good Agricultural Practice’s with different product applications capable of fitting to the whole of global agriculture. The standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by minimizing detrimental environmental impacts of farming operations, reducing the use of chemical inputs and ensuring a responsible approach to worker health and safety as well as animal welfare. Global G.A.P. is a business-to-business standard that is not visible to consumers.

Global Gap


Benefits for producers

The Primary Farm Assurance (PFA) standard, under the local G.A.P. brand, helps producers, especially smallholder producers or producers new to standards, to:

  • Adopt good agricultural practices
  • Cut exposure to food safety risks
  • Comply with legislation regarding food safety
  • Gain access to local and regional markets
  • Provide more confidence to retailers/buyers, because:
  • Traceability is easier than ever using the local G.A.P. Number (LGN). Retailers can build their supply base around PFA registered growers only
  • Via the stepwise approach, producers can gradually approach certification requirements and learn how the GLOBALG.A.P. certification system works

Benefits for Retailers/Buyers

Retailers and buyers, meanwhile, can make use of the PFA standard under the local G.A.P. brand to:

  • Source local and regional products that meet the minimum requirements for food safety and hygiene
  • Develop a network of reliable producers
  • Benefit from GLOBALG.A.P.’s traceability system
  • Work with producers on a stepwise improvement plan for food safety and sustainability to improve the quality of their food supply
  • Profit from GLOBALG.A.P. training for your quality management team


Af 1 Site History And Site Management 

Af 2 Record Keeping / Internal Self-Assessment / Internal Inspection

Af 3 Hygiene

Af 4 Workers’ Health, Safety And Welfare

Af 5 Subcontractors

Af 6 Waste And Pollution Management, Recycling And Re-Use

Af 7 Conservation

Af 8 Complaints

Af 9 Recall / Withdrawal Procedure

Af 10 Food Defense (Not Applicable For Flowers And Ornamentals And Ppm)

Af 11 Global G.A.P. Status

Af 12 Logo Use

Af 13 Traceability And Segregation (Parallel Production / Parallel Ownership)

Af 14 Food Safety Policy Declaration (Not Applicable For Flowers And Ornamentals And Ppm)

Af 15 Food Fraud Mitigation (Not Applicable For Flowers And Ornamentals)

International Compliance


General Data Protection Regulation for personal data. Learn More


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Learn More


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points for food safety. Learn More

FSSC 22000

Food Safety System Certification for food safety and quality. Learn More

Global G.A.P.

Good Agricultural Practices for quality agricultural produce. Learn More


Good Distribution Practice for pharma and food sectors. Learn More


Good Manufacturing Practice for manufacturing sectors. Learn More


Good Laboratory Practice for systematic laboratory operations. Learn More


Restriction of Hazardous Substances for products in EU. Learn More


Food safety practices and systems as per Shariah, Islamic Law. Learn More


Food safety practices as per standards of Kashrut, Jewish Law. Learn More


Central Consumer Protection Authority for the rights of consumers Learn More


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Learn More

Let's Work Together

European Assessment and Certification Ltd.
19, Layton Crescent, Slough, SL38DP, UK.
Company Number 12819256

+44 7471 048859

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